Earthquake Machine
Nikola Tesla
At one point while experimenting with mechanical oscillators, Nikola Tesla allegedly generated a resonance of several buildings causing complaints to the police. As the speed grew he hit the resonance frequency of his own building and belatedly realizing the danger he was forced to apply a sledge hammer to terminate the experiment, just as the astonished police arrived. The Discovery Channel’s popular MythBusters show examined Tesla’s claim that he had created an “Earthquake Machine” in their 60th episode. They tested the physical phenomenon known as mechanical resonance on a traffic bridge, which today are built to withstand such forces. While a single I-beam of steel was deflected several feet in each direction by their oscillator, and they reportedly felt the bridge shaking many yards away, there were no “earth shattering” effects. It is worth indicating that, in the time of the event undertaken by Tesla, buildings were not built to withstand such resonance.
